को भूलना कठिन होता है.एक उदहारण देता हूँ जैसे आप किसी को प्यार
करते है पर जिससे प्यार करते है वो किसी और से प्यार करती है .
तो क्या करना चाहिए ?
इंतज़ार या भूलना ? बहुत मुश्किल प्रश्न है?
But there are two points to note:
1.Why waiting for a person who dont love you?
2.Loving a person who dont love you is mistake?
I think nobody can give the correct and clear answer.
love is such a complex thing or do we complicate it?
I think nobody can give the correct and clear answer.
love is such a complex thing or do we complicate it?
Forgetting anything is very painful if the thing has some
bitterness associated with it.contrary waiting is equally
painful when you know that the outcomes are not favourable.
bitterness associated with it.contrary waiting is equally
painful when you know that the outcomes are not favourable.
I believe in waiting atleast there is some hope and chance
associated with it.
May Be some day fortune of wheel turns in your side.
associated with it.
May Be some day fortune of wheel turns in your side.
May Be the dream which you have may fulfilled.
May Be the person you love recognise your efforts ?
'may be' has very low probability, and highly risky
but MAY BE highly rewarding.
but MAY BE highly rewarding.
Summarizing ,in one line :
Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful.
But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering.
But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering.