Wednesday, August 31, 2011

जाने कुछ छूट रहा है .............

एक  डर  लग  रहा  है

जाने   कुछ  छूट रहा है 

कुछ  धुंधला  सा  है  इन  नज़रों  मे ,

शायद   कोई  तो  है  अपनों  में.

अक्स  हो  मेरा  या  हो  मेरी  परछाई

क्यों  तुमने  अपनी  पहचान  छुपाई

कौन  हो  तुम  ये  बतलाओ,

कभी  तो  मुछसे  नज़र  मिलाओ ,

अब  इंतज़ार  न  कराओ ,

क्योंकि  ...........

पश्चाताप  भी  न  कर  पऊंगा

जो  एक  बार  खो  जऊंगा

डर   लगता  है  की  छूट  गया  तो  फिर  न  मिल  पऊंगा ,

लाख  जतन करूँगा   फिर  भी  वापस  न  आ  पऊंगा

दिल  न  जाने  क्या  ढूँन   रहा  है

लगता  है  कुछ  छूट  रहा  है

लगता  है  कुछ  छूट  रहा  है ......

Time:4:17 pm,31 August 2011

PS: for one who inspires me to write.

sorry for errors , will remove asap.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

You, Me and Love

Down the line
It will be only between You and Mine

My love is pure and selfless
don't rate me,
don't compare me,
just feel me.
Down the line
It will be only between You and Mine

My love is like flowing river
don't stop me
don't desert me
make a bridge if possible
Down the line
It will be only between You and Mine

My love is illimitable,
don't ignore me,
don't leave me,
if possible forget me.
Down the line
It will be only between You and Mine

If you feel, do say it
If you don't feel, never  regret it
I will love you as I am doing.
Down the line
It will be only between You and Mine

PS: Dedicated to Subbu ,all belonging to one sided true love fraternity(if exists) and
Sup my best friend who inspire me to write.